
Showing posts from 2013

Insurgents and Mordern Politics: which way Nigeria?

 Nigeria is indeed a country where anything is possible, especially when it involves politics, election and political ambition. As long as you stay on a particular course with little political support from the bourgeois which are the powers that be, you will eventually have your way. The constitution will be interpreted to suit your cause. How else will I explain the lucrative business of crime and amnesty. After you kill enough to register your name in the book of crime, your kinsmen will ask for amnesty on your behalf, emphasising it as the only option for peace to reign. This makes them mediators and the rest is a life of sit at home enjoy yourself and numerous overseas trips in the name of training and rehabilitation. Amnesty with Benefits as it is popularly called today was introduce or better still became very popular during the administration of Umaru Musa Y’adua as President of the federal Republic of Nigeria; when he granted amnesty to the Militants in

Nigeria: The path to Freedom

Nigeria: The path to Freedom By Osadolo Solomon (@soloxpress) God of creation direct our noble cause, Guide our leaders right, help our youths the truth to know,   In love and honesty to grow, and living just and true. Great lofty heights attained, To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.   -Nigeria national anthem, 2 nd stanza.           I have a link to about 1000people-most of them in their twenties. There are 200 contacts on my SIM card and the number of contacts on my phone is pushing 200.My friends list on the internet is just under 600 (quite a number of them are same contacts on my phone, by the way). Looking at the situation broadly, considering the fact that each of these people also have their own different loops of contacts that are by no means exclusive to them, it is almost safe to assume that I am-wait for it-somehow connected to most, if not all, of the youths around in Nigeria(okay, I know that's a long stretch. But it s


Let me start by wishing our numerous readers a happy new year. Either the government likes it or not this year will be better for us as a nation. At about this time last year, the subsidy crises was the order of the day; I don’t need to remind you that the whole of that year 2012 was packed full of policies, decisions and misappropriation of priorities   by the government that is still making some of us wonder if these people actually knows what governance is all about. After the subsidy strike that almost crippled the economy in 2012, several committees were setup by the federal government to investigate claims by the NNPC, Minister of Petroleum, and the Central Bank that the sum of 1.73 Trillion Naira was paid out to marketers in 2011 as subsidy claims. Like most other committee reports in Nigeria, the findings of some of these committees were swept under the Carpet; prominent among them is the “Farouk Gate” scandal where a Notable business man and oil magnate Femi