
Showing posts from July, 2016

DIVERSIFICATION OF THE ECONOMY: Is it Another Political Statement?

By Festus Fifen. It is no longer news that diversification of the Nigerian economy is one of the recent clichés used in almost every government engagement, event or function, by this I  mean  every level of government from the Federal to State and Local Government/ Area councils.  This has made Political analyst to imagine if the statement is just another Political "Igodomigodo". The All Progressive Congress APC as a political party  during political campaigns and rallies promised to 'CHANGE' Nigeria with 81 campaign promises as aptly compiled by an online publication with the reduction of over dependence on oil revenue as the hub of  the 'CHANGE' agenda.  Whether these Promises have been met or is being met  is a story for another day The President did not fail to Echo this in his inaugural speech when he said   "Unemployment, notably youth un-employment features strongly in our Party’s Manifesto. We intend to attack the