DIVERSIFICATION OF THE ECONOMY: Is it Another Political Statement?

By Festus Fifen.

It is no longer news that diversification of the Nigerian economy is one of the recent clichés used in almost every government engagement, event or function, by this I  mean  every level of government from the Federal to State and Local Government/ Area councils. 

This has made Political analyst to imagine if the statement is just another Political "Igodomigodo".

The All Progressive Congress APC as a political party  during political campaigns and rallies promised to 'CHANGE' Nigeria with 81 campaign promises as aptly compiled by Naij.com an online publication with the reduction of over dependence on oil revenue as the hub of  the 'CHANGE' agenda. 
Whether these Promises have been met or is being met  is a story for another day

The President did not fail to Echo this in his inaugural speech when he said 
"Unemployment, notably youth un-employment features strongly in our Party’s Manifesto. We intend to attack the problem frontally through revival of agriculture, solid minerals mining as well as credits to small and medium size businesses to kick – start these enterprises."

After that speech  Politicians who are given opportunity to talk especially addressing the public on the dwindling economic fortunes of Nigeria will always sermonise about how over dependence on oil revenue has deprived Nigeria of  her economic position as the biggest black Nation in the world.

These Self- Made Economic Specialist never fail to point out farming as an alternative to 'oil money' with a call on all Nigerians to go back to the farm.

Quoting President Muhammadu Buhari in one of his engagements with captains of industries, he said " when oil money came, we quickly threw away our farm implements that was until then our major source of income and came to the city, we developed the culture of  importing everything even toothpick,  that is why we are were we are today, to overcome this, we must all go back to the farms and agriculture so that we can at least feed ourselves"

In as much as farming is Good, there are a few questions that Nigerians must answer especially those bombarding the airwaves with the ' Go back to  farm' story day and Night.

Over the years, there have been one form of diversification especially with emphasis on agriculture as an alternative to oil which all ended as mere political statement.  
President Shagari  had the Green Revolution,  Obasanjo had Operation Feed the Nation,  Babangida  had Back to Land, with President Buhari launching policy on agriculture called The Green Alternative, will it just be a mere policy for the record? 

I have been monitoring policies from different states for sometime now since diversification of the economy along agricultural line came onboard no one has talked about State-Owned Mechanised farms, there are no mention of Agric Extension services that will ensure adequate planing and implementation of what to plant, how and when;  I have not heard of easy loan facilities for willing farmers who may want to go large scale, farmers year in year out always complain of difficulties in getting credit facilities to expand their business, recently the subsidy on fertiliser is been removed, there are no mention of processing factories were these foods when produced will be stored or processed to export quality.

Standard organisation of Nigeria is still struggling with building laboratories that will certify our agricultural products for export.

My visit to makudi the Benue state capital which incidentally the food basket of the nation shows that more than half of their Agricultural produce like Tomatoes, Mango,  Oranges etc every year usually waste for lack of storage and processing facilities. These were the days of using farming as a spare duty in Benue  state, Now that Friday has been declared a public holiday for everyone to go to farm in Benue state what becomes of the harvest? Where do we store them? Where do we sell them after the local consumption need has been met? Will it be out of place for the Benue State government to invest heavily on juice processing factories to take care of the torns of fruits produced every yearning and around the state? What about the tonnes  of yam produced in the state?  Are there arrangement on ground for the federal Government to buy off those farm produce and later sell to the consuming Public when the product become scarce? 

With Almost everyone going to farm now, when the time of harvest comes our problem will be who to sell these produce to, how will these farm produce even get to the market with the current state of our road networks in this country. How will some of these things be preserved especially the perishable goods? 

The sermons should stop, there should be a workable blue print that is void of the usual "grammar" on how Agriculture will be an alternative source of income in Nigeria. Bank of Agriculture should make loans available to farmers, state governments should begin to invest in processing and storage facilities in preparation for the harvest, standard Organisation of Nigeria  should do everything possible to make sure that our products are standardised for export to other countries. 

Talking does not Solve a problem it's only sincere policy framework that is workable and all inclusive that does. Countries like Isreal that depends to a large extent on Agricultural produce don't speak many grammar. Private investors should invest in storage, processing and packaging.

Nigeria must move from talking Nation to a doing Nation; this policy must not take the same expressway into oblivion the way other of such policies ended.


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